Sunday, October 27, 2013

Testimony Tuesday: A word from " Jake Williams"

This word of testimony is from my friend and brother in Christ, Jake Williams. I hope you enjoy! Please keep his wife in our prayers.

Dear friend,

        Greetings in the name of The Lord.
If I may, let me speak to you from my heart, for just a few minutes.
First let me thank you for taking time to read this very important letter. You see through my own experience, I have found out that God could not have been pleased with my life, and I am afraid most Christians have fallen in my same pattern of lifestyle. 
        Thank God I have found a secret that I had not searched out. Through much prayer, reading God's word, and being filled with his Holy Spirit, he has lifted me up to a higher realm in his spirit then I have ever been before. 
        I have found out each day when I get in God's word that I also take time to talk to Him in prayer and wait upon Him for his presence and his love to be revealed to me. 
        This is what I want to tell you. I have found out it is not enough to accept forgiveness of our
sins or even surrender to God. That is only the beginning. We must understand that we do not have any power of our own to maintain our spiritual life.
        We must- we must, I repeat, we must, take time each day of our daily life to have fellowship with our Savior.
        This cannot be done with a few hasty words of prayer, nor can it be done by jumping into God's word and jumping right out. We must stay there until we come into his presence.
        I have found out it is then we feel our weakness and our need to wait upon God through his Holy Spirit, and to renew our fellowship with Him each day. It is then we can expect to be kept by the power of our Savior throughout each day. 
        My prayer is to help Christians to see the necessity of spending time with The Lord each day. I have found out that if we do not spend time in fellowship with God each day, then without His fellowship, the power and the joys of God's Holy Spirit in our daily life cannot be experienced.
        As I write this, to whom it may concern, I feel the Holy Spirit right now. I feel His anointing. I am in my study alone with God. It is 1:30am.
        Let me say this in closing, that the secret to true power is in our prayers. You see, He will clothe you with His Holy Spirit and with power to overcome the world.
        When our Lord Jesus told us to pray to our Father in secret, He gave us his promise that the Father will hear our prayers, and mightily answer them in our lives before others (Jeremiah 33:3).
       If you will go with God, pray and study His word, I promise you, you will never be the same.
       Keep praying and keep looking up, for He is soon coming after his people, called His Church.
( 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18). If you will, please keep this letter. Please read it again and also read it to your friends. Always remember God loves you and so do I.

May God bless you,
Bro. Jake Williams
One of your Outreach Ministers

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