Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Walking: In your neighbor's shoes

The other day my wife, Josie, had a school project with my beautiful nieces, Panda and Tori. It involved blessing a neighbor.

So, off to work on this project they went. They baked bread and made honey butter, wrapped it up and started over to the neighbor's house. They brought with them some honey that we made this year.
Mrs. Sharp's house was first. She lives almost right across the street from us. She is an older lady, but very sweet. She loves her cats! She was so excited! She rarely gets any company. I sure would hate to be by myself without someone to live life with. She kept insisting on buying the honey from us, and Josie was like "no, Mrs.Sharp"! Lol. She always enjoys it when we bring the youth group to sing Christmas carols to her.

The second lady is Mrs. Guisendorf. She is our neighbor to the side of us. She is middle aged as well. She still works full time and is also alone. When the girls brought her the bread she started crying!

Maybe you are in this type of situation, where you don't have anyone that you share life with. It's real easy for younger people with families to forget about people that don't have a family. Even though Josie and I do not currently have kids, we have each other, so
I cannot even imagine the empty days and the lifelong dreams that seem to just fade away.

Walking in your neighbors shoes...what is that like? Who is your neighbor? Have you thought of someone yet? What are they going through and where is there life at? Do we care?

The bible says to "love your neighbor as yourself". We take care of ourselves, we comfort ourselves, we pray for ourselves, we visit with our friends.Ten or twenty years we could easily be
"Walking in our neighbor's shoes".

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