Monday, September 9, 2013

Beekeeping, a longtime passion

       I grew up working hard, learning responsibility, building integrity with a God fearing father and mother. We had and still have a family owned honey farm that we truly cherish. As a kid, I didn't realize what I had. 

   Working with bees is enjoyable (for me, some might not think so!), watching them move about, pulling up frames of honey and brood. It's truly amazing how much honey they bring in, the way they are so intricate with creating perfect patterns of honeycomb. The best part is harvesting fresh honey, taking it out of the comb (extracting as we call it) and tasting the sweet honey! 

   At this point in our business, we are running my dad's bees with the intention of buying bees this fall or spring. Dreams and ideas float through my head...I think about what I want to do. We have ideas of selling honeycomb, spun honey, wax, candles, lip balm, pollen, etc. There are many faucets of our business, many things we could do with this family farm. Pray for us, ask us  questions , and enjoy reading about us. Let me know if there are certain topics you are interested in. Cancer, aids, and rheumatoid arthritis research; health benifits of honey, pollen, propolis: there are so many amazing things that God has placed into the small honeybee!

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