Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's all the buzz about?

      Bees sense fear, I'm not kidding you! Have you ever seen a red wasp watch you? They will guard their nest very defensively! Every move you make, they will follow you. It's kinda intimidating as this tiny insect abruptly changes directions with you as you move around it and the kind of fear it causes in you is crazy (such a tiny insect)! Bees in the same way sense when you are scared of them. 

      I like to compare bees to horses (of all things), because if you don't know how to work with horses, you are gonna get hurt! Bees, much like wasps, are defensive of their territory. They will guard their entrance and protect their colony. You don't want to block their entrance. Fast movements, such as flailing your hands or arms around them, is going to get you stung! It's a natural instinct for us to try to bat them out of the way, big mistake. You must be calm around them, treat them with respect, make no fast movements, and they do not like loud noises such as lawn mowers.
     Bees are actually fairly gentle, when handled right. How they act and their behaviors is a result of their breed, most of the time. Did you know that there are over 50,000 types of bees (that's what the scientific community says anyway)!
When we breed our bees (grafting), we select traits of gentle, honey producing, strength, amount of brood laid and how it is laid, and many other factors. We want our bees to be gentle!

     There are times when I get into a colony, and maybe it's a bad time or the bees are a little cranky....well let's just say they can get pretty testy! "Do I get stung" is the question people ask me all the time! Of course I get stung (lol)! I don't mind most of the time and it's not real often, besides science is showing and proving it is a cancer fighter and is good in general for your health(but it hurts, some might say).Bee stings hurt, but bee venom is good for arthritis. People use bee stings to relieve arthritis pain and it works!

     Well, that's all for now! Thanks for reading, hope you are enjoying the blog so far.


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